Dead Eyes

Richmond, CA

Title: “Space Doula”

Dead Eyes is a longtime East Bay fixture and you can find his highly recognizable Afrofuturist styled art in walls and in galleries. It’s rare to get an original piece for this price from an artist like this.

 I first elevated my artwork into murals and public installations for the first time over 20 years ago. I initially used designs from the zines I had been printing since high school and my work has steadily evolved from there. I was heavily influenced by the graffiti and street art of the San Francisco Mission during the late 90’s and 00’s. The freedom I was witnessing made me think of creating art on my own terms and with my own rules.

Most of my work falls into the category of Black Futurism, highlighting the play between ancient African patterns and elements of science fiction. One of my main characters that I draw is a mix between 80’s Japanese toys and African masks. 

I often use both acrylic and paint markers on the same canvas. My art is known for bold linework and the balance of contour lines and free flow form. My line play has been compared with the improvisation of jazz music.

Through the past decade the line designs from the mask have escaped the boundaries of the character and have taken over the page. With line, form, design and balance taking the focus, the viewer is now moved by the story being told through tension.”