Jessica Cao

San Jose, CA

Title: “Is It Hot In Here?” 


Artist’s Statement:

Humans know more about space than about our own oceans here on Planet Earth. That sounds fake, but it's true. Here are some things you might not have known: 50-80% of all life is found in the ocean, and coral reefs, which make up less than 1% of the ocean floor, support 25% of that life. This past summer, water temperatures in Florida got up to the mid-90s when it should've been between 73-88 degrees Fahrenheit, causing massive coral bleaching. This piece emerged from my anxiety and concern over how long these beautiful ecosystems will last, and how many of our children will be able to enjoy and appreciate them.

About Jessica:

I'm an avid scuba diver, muralist, and artist from San Jose, CA. I try to convey the mystery and wonder that I've experienced firsthand. Some memorable moments include: meeting an 8-ft long bull shark, exploring 30-foot tall reefs, and exploring the primordial freshwater caverns of the Yucatan peninsula.